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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
August 27, 2005

     But Moses said, "Who am I to go to the king and lead your people out of Egypt?"
Exodus 3:11 (CEV*)

     Then Jesus said to his disciples:
         If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross and follow me.
Matthew 16:24 (CEV*)

Like Moses, each of us is tempted when asked by God to do something to question God's judgment in picking us. We can find many reasons why we aren't a great choice for the task. But we must trust God knows best, and humbly accept our role in furthering God's kingdom, knowing that God will work through us and we don't really need to do it in our own power.

Jesus said it was essential to being one of His followers to forget ourselves. We can't worry about our ability to do the job or what people might do to us if we follow Christ's call on our lives. We must simply do what He calls on us to do, and follow Him.

Am I willing to follow God's direction in my life, no matter how inadequate I may feel to do what He leads me to do? Am I undeterred by what others may think about me or do to me? Am I ready to forget myself and follow Christ wherever He leads me?

Bill Samuel

* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.

©2005 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 03-Sep-2005 16:50:07 EDT