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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
April 20, 2013

     Down the road a way in Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha, “Gazelle” in our language. She was well-known for doing good and helping out. During the time Peter was in the area she became sick and died. Her friends prepared her body for burial and put her in a cool room.
     Some of the disciples had heard that Peter was visiting in nearby Lydda and sent two men to ask if he would be so kind as to come over. Peter got right up and went with them. They took him into the room where Tabitha's body was laid out. Her old friends, most of them widows, were in the room mourning. They showed Peter pieces of clothing the Gazelle had made while she was with them.
     Peter put the widows all out of the room. He knelt and prayed. Then he spoke directly to the body: “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes. When she saw Peter, she sat up. He took her hand and helped her up. Then he called in the believers and widows, and presented her to them alive.

Acts 9:36-41 (The Message*)

We know Jesus raised people from the dead. But this raising from the dead came after Jesus no longer walked on the earth as a human. Still, it can be attributed to him as Peter was a mere mortal who could not do something like this on his own strength. Note that Peter knelt and prayed before speaking to the dead woman. His prayer opened him up for Christ to work through him.

What is significant for us is that we are also mere mortals who know Christ. There are no limits to what Christ can do through us if we open ourselves fully to him. Christ may not use us to raise someone from the dead, but there are definitely things Christ will do through each of us if we are faithful. The key is to abide in Christ.

Bill Samuel

* The Message version © by Eugene H. Peterson.

©2013 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 27-Apr-2013 20:50:37 EDT