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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
November 28, 2009

     What would be an adequate thanksgiving to offer God for all the joy we experience before him because of you? We do what we can, praying away, night and day, asking for the bonus of seeing your faces again and doing what we can to help when your faith falters.
     May God our Father himself and our Master Jesus clear the road to you! And may the Master pour on the love so it fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us to you. May you be infused with strength and purity, filled with confidence in the presence of God our Father when our Master Jesus arrives with all his followers.

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 (Message*)

Christ's followers should experience joy from our fellowship with other followers, even when we are not able to be with them physically. God's family is one of love and joy and an eagerness to help one another.

May the Master's love indeed fill our lives and splash over on everyone around us! Is Christ's love filling your life and splashing over on everyone around you?

Bill Samuel

* The Message version ©1993-2002 by Eugene H. Peterson.

©2009 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 12-Dec-2009 20:56:53 EST