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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
December 7, 2002

Thunder in the desert!
     "Prepare for God's arrival!
Make the road straight and smooth,
     a highway fit for our God.
Fill in the valleys,
     level off the hills,
Smooth out the ruts,
     clear out the rocks.
Then God's bright glory will shine
     and everyone will see it.
     Yes. Just as God has said."

Isaiah 40:3-5 (Message*)

This is the time of year most of the Christian church refers to as Advent, a time to focus on the coming of Christ. As believers, we should always be focusing on Christ coming into, and dwelling in, our hearts.

We can find in this traditional prophesy of the coming of the Messiah metaphors for our own preparation for Christ to live fully in us. The coming of Christ may not excite us if simply viewed as an historical event of long ago. If we see it as the God of the universe coming to live within us; well, that is something to get really excited about!

How do we prepare for Christ to live fully within us? We clear out our hearts of all the worldly debris - our bad attitudes and habits. We make our hearts clean and pure to receive the Christ. If Christ is not living in our hearts, it is not because He does not want to but because we have not made a place for Him there.

Dear friends, may we each purify our hearts, making them inviting places for our Lord to dwell. May we be completely open to Christ's presence, providing a welcoming place within our hearts where He can be at home.

If you have not been living with a sense of Christ's indwelling presence in your life, understand that He yearns to dwell within you. Make this Advent season a time of purifying and opening your heart to the glory of Christ's presence in your heart.

Bill Samuel

* The Message version © by Eugene H. Peterson.

©2002 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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