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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
November 2, 2002

You all have a single Teacher, and you are all classmates. Don't set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do. Save that authority for God; let him tell you what to do.
Matthew 23:8b-9a (Message*)

There are many out there with impressive worldly credentials who are ready to tell us what is best in various areas of our lives. Because they seem to know so much, we are tempted to rely upon their advice.

Jesus warns us not to succumb to this temptation. The knowledge we can get from the experts can be helpful, but are they expert in determining what we need to do to be faithful to the call of God upon our lives?

There is one true Teacher to whom we all need to look for direction for our lives. Christ is our inward Teacher who will never lead us astray. Sometimes this direction will run counter to all the wisdom of this world, but we must always trust it no matter how foolish we seem thereby to others.

This does not mean we ignore everything people around us say. Just like our classmates in school can help us better understand what the instructor is attempting to convey, so our fellow believers can help us discern the true calling of Christ in our lives. But we need to be careful not to let the direction of one of them take the place of the direction of Christ.

Dear friends, may we each look to the true Teacher for our direction, and not waver from the path we are given.

Bill Samuel

* The Message version © by Eugene H. Peterson.

©2002 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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