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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
September 12, 2001

I am the Lord All-Powerful. So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit.
Zechariah 4:6 (CEV*)

Those who perpetrated yesterday's deadly terrorist actions in the USA probably believed they were striking a blow for truth and righteousness (although we don't know exactly what their "cause" was). They were probably also "people of the book" - members of one of the three major world religions building on the religious heritage in what Christians call the Old Testament. But they did not understand the truth of this statement in the common scripture, and relied on their own power to wreak violence and havoc.

Similarly, if the U.S. government responds with some sort of military action, it will do so believing it is striking a blow for right - for good against evil. But it can not wipe out with military strikes the attitudes and emotions that reap their bitter fruit in terrorism.

It is very difficult to see the pain and suffering inflicted in this world, and not respond in anger and violence out of our own human power and strength. But we need to learn to depend on the Spirit of Christ, not on our own power. Is not a real lesson of yesterday's shocking events that true security can not be achieved by actions we take in our own power?

Never underestimate the power of your own prayer in the life of someone who is suffering. Prayer is something we can all do, at any time and under any circumstance. It is a beautiful gift from God to both the giver and receiver.
Lynn Johnson, in Friends Journal, June 2001

Many are suffering today. Do not think there is nothing you can do about it. Pray for the injured, for those grieving loss of loved ones, for those involved in the rescue efforts, and for everyone particularly touched by these tragic events.

Bill Samuel

* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.

©2001 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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