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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
May 3, 2001

Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life, and I will live forever in your house, Lord.
Psalm 23:6 (CEV*)

With good reason this is one of the most popular psalms. It is one we can certainly meditate on repeatedly to good effect.

Like David, this is the way I really feel. I look over my life, the difficult times included, and I see God's hand in it. Much in life is changeable, but God's love is ever present.

We will face joys and sorrows in our lives. There are times when we feel on top of the world, and times when we face very difficult situations. I've come to see that Christ is there with me in every circumstance.

Even our best and most faithful human companions cannot be fully relied upon. They may be away or in circumstances in which they are just not able to be present to us as we would want, and sometimes they die while we continue on in this life. I have experienced all of these, and you probable have too. It is so comforting to know I have a friend who is never absent and will never die.

Sometimes we don't pay attention to this presence, but it is always there. We just need to be more sensitive to the outpouring of God's love and mercy in our lives. We need to keep reminding ourselves of it. This psalm is one way to do that.

Dear friends, live in the kindness and love that the Lord has for you. Think of it and thank God for it each and every day. Be secure by living forever in the house of the Lord.

Bill Samuel

* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.

©2001 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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