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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
March 15, 2001

In your generous love I am really living at last!
My lips brim praises like fountains.

Psalm 63:3 (The Message*)

What makes our lives rewarding and truly worth living?

Too often we are led astray by the advertisements that bombard us and other messages we get from secular society. We seek to really live by accumulating money and possessions, sexual gratification, high position, control over other people, and other things that may give us superficial happiness for a time, but cannot give us a truly fulfilling life. Many people achieve "success" in the world's eyes, but find their lives empty and unfulfilling. Even a life of good works does not always bring fulfillment.

The psalmist tells us the true basis of a fulfilling life. It is to live in God's generous love. This love is offered to us freely, and is always available. But we choose whether to deny it, ignore it, take it for granted, or make it the foundation of our lives. Sometimes we refuse to accept it because we don't consider ourselves worthy of it, not realizing that if we accept it fully it will transform us.

I recently heard about someone who sat down on a bench beside a homeless woman with the idea of being helpful to her. The woman was transfixed by the beautiful sunset. After the sun had gone under the horizon, the woman, with a broad smile, remarked, "God is so good to me." It was the person who recounted the story who was helped. The woman had nothing by the world's standards, but knew the secret of really living.

Bask in God's love. Be conscious of it in every moment. Celebrate it! Then your lips will "brim praises like fountains" because your heart is overflowing with the wonder of God's love.

Bill Samuel

* The Message version ©1993 by Eugene H. Peterson.

©2001 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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