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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
August 29, 2000

...the same power, wisdom, and grace of God which had ever been seeking to save man from his futile desire for autonomy, and which had been concretely revealed and expressed in Jesus Christ, was now available to lead into all truth those who trusted and obeyed it.
Maurice Creasey in Christ in Early Quakerism

I found this quote while searching for material to answer a question someone had asked me by email. While the essay from which this comes was about the perspective of a particular Christian group, I believe the concept is not limited to any particular denomination and is helpful for us all to consider.

We need to understand, and feel, that God is always seeking after us. In God's infinite love for each one of us, God seeks ways to open us up to the possibilities of divine power, wisdom and grace working within us. God revealed this very tangibly in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, but the revelation is not limited to what transpired during Christ's ministry on earth two millenia ago. God has always been revealing himself to humans, and most definitely continues to do so today.

We do not need to be lost, whatever our educational background, affiliation with any religious group, faithfulness or failings in our personal life, etc. God is presently available to us to guide us and show us that true fulfillment comes in unity with the divine witness not in any personal aggrandizement. No matter what situations and dilemmas we may face, God is available to lead us through them. This present witness is key in our lives. Even immersing outselves in the words of the Bible is not enough. It is the present leading of Christ in our lives that brings the truths expressed in the Bible to life and illuminates their meaning for our lives.

Christ comforts us and heals us. But the action of the Living Christ goes far beyond that to "...a deep and thorough transformation of the whole personality by obedience to the contemporary leadings of the Spirit of Christ." (Creasey again, later in the essay)

When we begin to grasp the power with which God can act in our lives, it truly becomes Good News for us. Are you experiencing the transforming power of the Living Christ in your life? If not, I pray that you may become aware of it and invite its work within you.

Bill Samuel

©2000 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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