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Adventure in Living Through the Spirit
Session 1: Wounds, Disabilities and Healing
Interactive Response Version

Welcome to Friends in Christ's interactive course, Adventure in Living through the Spirit. This course is presently being held at Greenbelt Middle School. If you can attend these classes, you will benefit from the interaction among those who attend. If you are unable to attend in person, then this interactive web site will hopefully give you a sense of the course and the spiritual potential it can open for you.

If you have not already done so, please review the Introduction and Mind and Heart sections of the curriculum, and also read our piece on Using the Bible.

In this session, we will read several New Testament passages describing healings which occurred through Jesus. Early in his ministry, many people came to Jesus in need of healing. Even today for many of us, our initial longing for God is often related to our need for personal healing. Thus, we start this course with the topic of Healing and Jesus.

Meditation and prayer for healing:   Close your eyes for a minute. Now imagine that Jesus (or another image you relate to God) is actually in the room with you. Try to see and feel Him. Now, write to him as if you were speaking to Him. Ask Him to help you with some deep need you have, or to heal yourself or a close person to you. It is important to write it out. You may choose before you finish this lesson to send what you write to us, or simply keep it for your own use. How did it feel to do this?

Write your message to Jesus in the box below:

Now read the Bible selections for this session. As you read, listen carefully for Christ speaking to you through the words.

Matthew 8:5-13
healing Roman servant
Mark 2:1-12
healing paralyzed man
Matthew 9:27-31
healing blind men
Luke 5:12-14
healing skin disease

     Memorize:  Psalm 103:2-5

There are three observations which we can make from these passages and other passages about Jesus and healing. First, we note that Jesus responds with help to everyone who sincerely requests help - Roman, Jew, healthy person, leper, man, woman. Jesus responds to all. Second, we notice that the power to heal always has something to do with or originates from the person requesting help. This condition Jesus calls @quot;faith@quot;. It is a mixture of hope, need and asking. Third, as in the story of the paralyzed man, there is often a connection between inner healing (dealing with sin) and outer healing (dealing with the body).

Think about these stories. Think about the observations above. Write some thoughts you may have about these passages in the space below.

Write about an experience you have had in praying to God for healing in the space below. Describe the experience. What did you pray for? What happened? How do you feel about what happened, or did not happen? Have you noticed any changes occur?

We suggest you end this session in silent prayer. If you would like Bill Samuel and/or John Smallwood of the Friends in Christ Core Ministry Team to respond to the thoughts you have written above, please give us your name and email address (and what further information you choose) and submit it using the Submit button below. If not, we suggest you print it for your own use using the print function of your browser. (Our tests indicate you should not try to email it to yourself using the Send Page function of your browser, as you will get only the preprinted information, not what you've written.) If you choose not to send us what you've written, but would still like to be in touch with us, please communicate with us using our Feedback form.

Your full name:
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Your phone number and address are optional, although we would appreciate having them. If you're sure we already have them, just leave them blank.

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Further comments, questions, prayer requests, etc.:

Would you like us to forward to you a copy of your submission for you to keep?
  No, that's not necessary   Yes, I'd appreciate that

Thanks for participating in this interactive session. We hope you found it helpful.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 27-Dec-2003 09:34:14 EST